
What applications are supported in Mail Director? 

Please see Apps Page for the currently supported applications. We are continuously adding more and more applications into Mail Director.   

How many emails that I can save in a Google Docs or Google Sheets?

You can save as much number of mails as Google Docs or Google Sheets can store.

Can I save attachments into Google Docs or Google Sheets?

With the current version you cannot do that. In future we will implement that feature

Can I save all or selected emails at one go?

Google does not allows to open add-on when multiple e-mails are selected. So now that is not possible.If Gmail(Google) allows to do that surely we add that feature. 

I'm not able to install Cloud Flow Director in safari browser

Safari has some access issues for the GSuite addon. So google is recommending to use Google Chrome for using GSuite Products. 


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